Venetia Kelly's Traveling Show was suggested in another blogger's blog, The Adventures of Jolly Goode Gal. I've had remarkable success with her reads and the title of the book struck my whimsy bone.
Next in the stack is the long-awaited Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake. Beth mentioned it as a possibility at book club and so I jotted it on a random scrap of paper. I came across it later as an Amazon recommends and so I previewed it on my Kindle. Verdict from the crumb: delicious. I immediately got in the virtual line to read the library's copy. (BTW, for those in reader land who have a spare copy, please know that the Tacoma Public Library has particular demand for the title and encourages folks to donate their used editions. Thanks for helping speed books into the hands of other citizens!)
The next book, The Report Card, leapt onto my list just yesterday after my daughter's teacher announced the class' next reading selection. Mwwwaaaaahahahaha.... my daughter suspects NOTHING and now I'll be able to have book discussions with her when she least suspects it!
Finally, I have On Rue Tatin. Katherine recommended this many months ago and I had it on a reading list, but never got around to actually requesting it. Her suggestions have always been top notch (Julie and Julia, My Life in France, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan), and I'm sure I'll wish I'd picked it up soon.
Hmmm... just three weeks? Really? I only have three weeks to read the stack?
*As in, so I could get home and blog about it forthwith.